Access at fairlynch museum
The nearest free car parking, limited to 30 minutes, is in Mackerel Square, Fore Street, opposite the museum. Pay and Display car parking is available in Rolle Mews, Fore Street, or the Limekilns car park in Granary Lane at the east end of town.
Disabled parking (one space) is available at the museum. Access via a tight right-hand turn in Fore Street Hill.
Wheelchair Access
Ramps are available to enable wheelchair access to the museum. This might prove difficult, however, for motorised wheelchairs. Because the building is Grade 2 Listed disabled access to the upper floor is not possible. Wheelchair access is therefore limited to displays in the two ground floor exhibition rooms.
A toilet large enough to accommodate a wheelchair, though lacking full disabled toilet facilities, is available on request.
The nearest free car parking, limited to 30 minutes, is in Mackerel Square, Fore Street, opposite the museum. Pay and Display car parking is available in Rolle Mews, Fore Street, or the Limekilns car park in Granary Lane at the east end of town.
Disabled parking (one space) is available at the museum. Access via a tight right-hand turn in Fore Street Hill.
Wheelchair Access
Ramps are available to enable wheelchair access to the museum. This might prove difficult, however, for motorised wheelchairs. Because the building is Grade 2 Listed disabled access to the upper floor is not possible. Wheelchair access is therefore limited to displays in the two ground floor exhibition rooms.
A toilet large enough to accommodate a wheelchair, though lacking full disabled toilet facilities, is available on request.